MST Lobby Houston Apartments


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Discover what’s happening in downtown Houston as well as Market Square Tower.

Market Square Tower opens CVS

March 12th, 2018

CVS opens at Market Square Tower.  Click link below to read full article.

Daily Mail features Market Square Tower viral video

April 13th, 2017

Click below link to read the article from Daily Mail that had 10k shares.

Cosmopolitan features Market Square Tower

April 10th, 2017

Cosmopolitan features Market Square Tower: “This Sky Pool Is Extremely Terrifying and I Want to Swim in It Very Badly I love it and I hate it.”  -Laura Beck See below for the complete article, they are “all moving to Houston. Texas baby!”...

Market Square Tower Sky Pool in Travel and Leisure

April 10th, 2017

Market Square Tower Sky Pool featured on Travel and Leisure "You'll feel like you're floating on air in Texas' highest swimming pool."

MST Sky Pool reported on the Today Show

April 10th, 2017

Market Square Tower's Sky Pool went viral after posting a video on our Social Media pages.  Click the link below to see the video reported by the Today Show.